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Undergraduate and Graduate Teaching at UB

GLY 326 Structural Geology and Global Tectonics
This course introduces students to the description, classification and interpretation of geological structures, including faults, folds and joints. The course describes these structures in terms of their tectonic setting (extensional, strike-slip, contractional). The labs introduce practical techniques for structural analysis.

GLY 407 Geological Field Training
Applied field methods in geology. Geologic field trips and mapping from a mobile base in the western United States. Mapping projects include surficial deposits in Colorado and areas of increasingly complex sedimentary structure in Utah and Wyoming. This course is conducted outdoors and requires walking over difficult terrain and some exposure to the elements.

GLY 450/550 Geodynamics
This course teaches the fundamentals of geodynamics to understand the structure and evolution of the solid Earth. The principals of stress and strain, elasticity and flexure, heat transfer, gravity, rock rheology, and fluid mechanics will be applied to understand Earth processes, including plate tectonics and mantle convection, mountain building, earthquakes and faulting, volcanic eruptions, and glacial flow and erosion. In this way, solid Earth processes will be quantified through a combination of observations and theory. The course will also explore the similarities and differences between the structure and dynamics of the Earth with that of the other planets and moons in the solar system.

GLY 597 Geohazards, Volcanology, and Geodynamics Seminar
In this seminar, various topics in geohazards, volcanology, and geodynamics are discussed. Discussions follow from peer-reviewed published papers, data sets, and research presentations.

GLY 600 Numerical Simulation Seminar
In this seminar, students will review fundamental concepts of numerical simulation, briefly present current work on numerical simulation, and discuss recent papers and implementations of different aspects of numerical simulation for scientific applications.

MAE 609 High Performance Computing 1
(cross listed CDA609/CE620/CSE547/GLY609/MTH667/PHY515)

The first semester of a two-semester course sequence that will introduce students to the fundamental concepts of scientific computing, with particular attention given to algorithms that are well-suited to high performance computer architectures. The first semester will concentrate on computational linear algebra, including iterative and direct methods for solving linear systems and for eigenvalue problems, and the use of BLAS and other public domain libraries. This course is equivalent to CDA 609, CE 620, CSE 547, GLY 609, MTH 667, and PHY 515.

GLY 440/550 Geodynamics, Spring 2022
Margarete Jadamec teaching GLY 440/550 Geodynamics in Spring 2022. Here, we are working through the derivation of the semi-infinite half-space and plate cooling models in Chapter 4 of Turcotte and Schubert (2014). I have incorporated this derivation into my teaching module "The Life Cycle of an Oceanic Plate" developed as a part of NSF CAREER Award EAR-1945513 and a collaborative EAGER Grant NSF-EAR 2042061.

*This page is supported in part by NSF CAREER Award EAR-1945513 awarded to M. Jadamec.