Research Group News and Updates
New co-edited AGU Monograph: Tectonics and Seismic Structure of Alaska and Northwestern Canada: EarthScope and Beyond, Geophysical Monograph 290
New paper in JGR from recently graduated student Vivek Bhavsar's PhD research: Influence of Initial Slab Dip, Plate Interface Coupling, and Nonlinear Rheology on Dynamic Weakening at the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary
New co-edited book through SUNY Press: Optimizing AI in Higher Education: SUNY FACT2 Guide, Second Edition
New paper with former PhD student Kirstie Haynie from her PhD research on the Alaska subduction zone:
Implications of Variable Plate Coupling Versus Plateau Buoyancy on Subduction Dynamics: A Case Study of the Yakutat Plateau in Alaska
Three new collaborative papers on the seismic structure and geodynamics implications of the Alaska subduction zone:
Synthesis of the Seismic Structure of the Greater Alaska Region: Continental Lithosphere
Synthesis of the Seismic Structure of the Greater Alaska Region: Subducting Slab Geometry
Synthesis of the Seismic Structure of the Greater Alaska Region: Geodynamics Implications
New graduate student Clay Kolke joined the Geodynamics Research and Visualization Group here at UB! Welcome Clay!
Graduate student Vivek Bhavsar successfully defended his PhD dissertation on Two-dimensional modeling of the dynamics of non-linear flow in subduction zones. Congratulations Vivek!
Graduate student Jane Halfhill successfully defended her MS thesis on a Tectonic Model of the Boso Triple Junction. Congratulations Jane!
Graduate student Bailey Valint successfully defended his MS thesis on Modeling Mechanisms for Trench-parallel Flow in the Cocos-Nazca Subduction System. Congratulations Bailey!
Margarete Jadamec (group Lead) was a senior partipant at the CIDER 2023 Summer Program on Causes and Consequences of Fluid and Magma Transport at Plate Boundaries at UC Berkeley.
Margarete Jadamec (group Lead) co-chaired the Workshop on Integrating Generative Models in the Classroom: Exploring Risks and Benefits, University at Buffalo, 2023, and gave a talk on the use of generative models in science pegagogy.
Undergraduate researcher Thomas Kowalski presented his research at the 2023 University at Buffalo Undergraduate Research Conference.
PhD student Vivek Bhavsar gave an oral presentation at IAD Days conference sponsored by the Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science at UB.
MS student Jane Halfhill recieved 3rd place for her research presentation at STEM for Everyone, University at Buffalo. Congratulations Jane!
Margarete Jadamec (group Lead) presented 3D Visualizations of Subduction Along the Pacific Ring of Fire on Earth Day in the Space Visualization Lab at the Adler Planetarium in Chicago, as a part of the Broader Impacts for her CAREER Award on subduction dyanmics along the Pacific Ring of Fire.
We held a Group Retreat for our Geodynamics Research and Visualization Group at the New Faculty Club space at UB in February.
Graduate students Vivek Bhavsar (PhD), Jane Halfill (MS), and Bailey Valint (MS) presented their research at the AGU Fall Meeting in Chicago.
We had a research group hackathon in the summer in our Geodynamics Research and Visualization Lab.
Our Geodynamics Research and Visualization Lab hosted the Lab tour during the Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) Early Move-in Program in August. It was great to meet so many wonderful freshman and transfer students!
IRIS Earthquake Science Meet a Scientist: MS Student Jane Halfhill at the SAGE/GAGE Community Science Workshop
Margarete Jadamec (group Lead) presented 3D Visualizations of Subduction Along the Pacific Ring of Fire on Earth Day in the Space Visualization Lab at the Adler Planetarium in Chicago, as a part of the Broader Impacts for her CAREER Award on subduction dyanmics along the Pacific Ring of Fire.
IAD News: PhD student Vivek Bhavsar presented his poster on 2D subduction modeling at the Institute for Artificial Intelligence
and Data Science Spring Conference (IAD Days)
Watch our recent IRIS Webinar (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology) on:
Advancing Pedagogy and Inclusivity through Multi-Modal Seismology Modules in the Era of COVID-19
by Margarete Jadamec, Tolulope Olugboji, Derek Schutt, Stefany Sit
Due to the success of last spring's Geohazards, Volcanology, and Geodynamics Virtual Seminar Series
here at UB, I am hosting it again this Spring! Thanks to all of last year's speakers, and I am looking forward to a great line up of talks again this spring!
I had the opportunity to serve as an invited panelist in the Women in STEM Event at UB in March,
hosted by the Student Chapters of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) and the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM).
The AGU Fall Meeting, hybrid and in-person in New Orleans!) was an excellent end to the year!
AGU Fall 2021 presentations by the group:
Jadamec, M. A. (Oral Presentation, In-person) Testing the effect of lateral slab edges on three-dimensional subduction dynamics in the Aleutian-Alaska subduction zone. In AGU Fall Meeting 2021. New Orleans, LA, 2021.
Bhavsar, V. and Jadamec, M. A. (Poster, In-person) The effect of initial slab dip and interplate coupling on dynamic mantle weakening in subduction zones. In AGU Fall Meeting 2021. In-person New Orleans, LA, 2021.
Schmitt, K. and Jadamec, M. A. (Poster, In-person) Modeling varying background viscosity and its effects on mantle dynamics in southeastern Alaska. In AGU Fall Meeting 2021. In-person New Orleans, LA, 2021.
Yang, X., Fischer, K. M., Jadamec, M. A., Mann, M. E., Pavlis, G. L., Schaeffer, A., and Wei, S. S. (INVITED Oral Presentation, In-person) Seismic constraints on the structure of Alaska: A review. In AGU Fall Meeting 2021. In-person New Orleans, LA, 2021.
Welcome to new Geodynamics Research and Visualization Group graduate student Jane Halfhill who started her MS here at UB in Fall 2021!
It was great to give a talk in the
International Geophysics and Tectonics Seminar
in April!
Here is a link to a talk I gave in March at UB's Digital Scholarship Studio and Network Spring 2021 Workshop Series:
Glad to participate in the 2021 Alaska EarthScope and Beyond Seminar Series in Feburary. Here is link to the talk I gave on Feb. 22nd (my talk starts around 29 minutes in):
We have started work the collaborative project "EAGER: Advancing Pedagogy and Inclusivity through Multimodal Upper Level Geophysics Education". PI's Margarete Jadamec, Erasmus Oware (UB), Derek Schutt (Colorado State U.), Tolulope Olugbogi (U. of Rochester), and Stefany Sit (U. of Illinois, Chicago), NSF-EAR 204061.
UB Press Release: PI Margarete Jadamec is one of three UB recipients in 2020 to receive the NSF CAREER Award. Project title: "CAREER: High-resolution Simulations of Subduction Along the Pacific Rim of Fire", NSF-EAR 1945513.
Welcome to new Geodynamics Research and Visualization Group graduate students Isabelle Li, Kyle Schmitt, and Bailey Valint starting in Fall 2020!
Research update in Center for Geohazards Studies Newsletter (PDF).
AGU Centennal Meeting! Giants of Tectonophysics Session and Talk on Plate Tectonics Paradigm Shift, AGU Centential Celebrate Stage
Invited Banquet Speaker at the 28th International Meshing Roundtable Conference, Buffalo, NY
Interview in EOS: A New Dimension to Plate Tectonics
PhD Student Kirstie Haynie graduates and starts new position as a Mendenhall Postdoctoral Fellow at the United States Geological Survey
Research presented in invited minisymposium at the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics Computer Science and Engineering Conference (SIAM CSE19) covered in SIAM News: Modeling Modern Plate Tectonics with Three-Dimensional Virtual Reality Simulations
AGU Union Session on the Giants of Tectonophysics I (
PhD Student Kirstie Haynie receives Best Poster Award from GeoPRISMS for her poster at the 2018 AGU Fall Meeting in Washington, DC
Press release on Tectonics of Alaska subduction zone in relation to recent 7.0 earthquake - UB Press release
Invited presentation at the Technology Showcase on using VR in the classroom hosted by UB's Center for Educational Innovation - Article in UBNow
Jadamec et al.,2018, Earth and Space Science paper on visual survey of global slab geometries with global slab movies! doi:10.1002/2017EA000349.
Video Streaming of Slab Movies.
Download of Slab Movies
Member of Program Committee for 2018 CIG Mantle Convection and Lithospheric Dynamics Workshop in Niagara Falls, Canada - CIG Meeting Website
1200-core research group cluster, geosolver, comes on line and is hosted at UB's CCR
Oliver Kreylos visit's to give 3DVR presentation at UB's CDSE Days - CDSE Days 2018
I have moved! I am exicted to announce that in August 2017, I joined the faculty at SUNY Buffalo (UB).
This is a great opportunity for me to more formalize my integration of high performance computing and data integration in computational geodynamics research.
I have a joint appointment at UB in the (a) Department of Earth Sciences and
(b) Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering Program.
As head of the Geodynamics Research and Visualization Group, I hosted a Panel at UH entitled Women in STEM: Career Choices in Geosciences
My recent Journal of Geodynamics paper is highlighted in joint NIH-DOE-NSF Report on Science Drivers Requiring Capable Exascale High Perfornmance Computing
PhD Student Kirstie Haynie named a Center for Advanced Computing and Data Systems CACDS Fellow
The Fall was busy with conferences; I gave invited talks at both the AGU and GSA National Meetings
PhD student Kirstie Haynie receives Best Poster Award at the Dobrin Lecture hosted by UH
Nicole Pham joins research group for the summer as part of the GLADE program
Postdoc Alberto Carballo joins Geodynamics Research and Visualization Group
PhD student Kirstie Haynie and MSc student Simin Gao Present their Research Proposals!
PhD Student Kirstie Haynie Receives Best Poster Award at GeoPRISMS Meeting
MSc Student Simin Gao joins Geodynamics Research and Visualization Group
EOS Research Spotlight: Overriding Plate's Properties Affect Subduction
PhD Student Wendy Sharples (Monash Uni, co-supervised with L. Moresi) completes her PhD and Moves to Germany to start her new job at the Julich Supercomputing Centre
Postdoc Julia MacDougall joins Geodynamics Research and Visualization Group
PhD Student Kirstie Haynie joins Geodynamics Research and Visualization Group
I start my job as Assistant Professor at the University of Houston and establish the Geodynamics Research and Visualization Group at UH
iSGTW Feature Article: 3D Tectonic Modeling Answers Age-old Geology Question
Research Highlight: Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics Newsletter
NBC News: Mount McKinley-Why the tallest mountain in US is where it is
livescience: US Tallest Mountain's Surprising Location Explained
SIGMA XI SmartBrief Top Story: Computer Models Offer Insight into Mount McKinley's Formation
2012 and earlier
XSEDE: Best Conference Paper and Best Science Paper at XSEDE12
International Innovation Report: Constructing the Costa Rica-Nicaragua Subduction Zone in 3D (Pages 61-63)
Monash University News: 3D Technology to Drive Research Breakthroughs
Nature Editor's Summary: Rapid Action at Subduction Zones
Discovery News Article: Earth's Mantle in Overdrive Under Alaska