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Geodynamics Research and Visualization Group

Current Students:

Clay Kolke, MS Student
Department of Earth Sciences, SUNY Buffalo

Samantha Koller, CRESCENT Undergraduate Researcher
Department of Earth Sciences, SUNY Buffalo (host institution) in collaboration with Maureen Long (Yale)

Former Postdocs and Students:

Julia MacDougall, Postdoctoral Researcher
Dept. Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Houston
See paper: MacDougall, Jadamec, and Fischer (2017) JGR.
(Now at

Alberto Carballo, Postdoctoral Researcher
Dept. Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Houston
See paper: Torne et al. (2020)

Graduate Students:
Vivek Bhavsar, PhD Student (Graduated 2024)
Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, SUNY Buffalo

Kirstie Haynie, Ph.D. Student (Graduated 2019)
Geology Dept., SUNY Buffalo
See paper: Haynie and Jadamec (2017) Tectonics.
(Now a Computatonal Geophysicist in the Earthquake Hazards Program,
United States Geological Survey (USGS))

Wendy Sharples, PhD Student, Co-Supervised with L.N. Moresi
Degree Completed: May 2015, Monash University
Dissertation Title: Transversely Isotropic Rheology in Numerical Models of Large Scale Lithospheric Deformation. See papers: Sharples et al., 2016, Sharples et al., 2015, Sharples et al., 2014
(now at the Bureau of Meteorology, Australia)

Jane Halfhill, MS Student (Graduated 2023)
Geology Department, SUNY Buffalo
(now a Fullbright Scholar, Italy)

Bailey Vailnt, MS Student (Graduated 2023)
Geology Department, SUNY Buffalo
(now an Associate Geologist at Parsons Corporation, Buffalo)

Simin Gao, M.S. Student (Graduated, 2018)
Dept. Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Houston
Slab driven mantle weakening facilitating plate motions

Undergraduate Thesis Students:
Kyle Schmitt, Undergraduate Thesis Student
Degree Completed: 2020, SUNY Buffalo
(now at WSP Buffalo)

Ken MacLean, Undergraduate Honors Thesis Student
Co-Supervised with Patricia Durance-Sie
Degree Completed: 2010, Monash University
Thesis Title: Characterizing Three-dimensional Mantle Flow in the New Hebrides Subduction System, South Pacific